Creating a Table

Like creating a keyspace, this is likely only going to be useful to those who are writing tests. Table creation uses a case class for the table columns’ names and type definitions (see Type Mappings to compare Scala and Cassandra types).


  • the createTable method takes 4 properties
    • name of table
    • number of partition keys
    • number of clustering keys
  • partition and clustering keys are chosen left-to-right, in that order. See the example below.
  • You can pass an optional parameter for the right hand side of the table definition (after the WITH) using the `with` builder
  • parameters wrapped in Option or Nullable take the underlying type parameter as its type for table creation
  • you must have at least 1 partition key
  • the number of partition keys + clustering keys must be less than the number of fields in the case class
  • any rules associated with cassandra semantics for data types must be followed (eg no counters in the primary key)
scala> case class MyTable(s: String, i: Int, l: Long)
defined class MyTable

scala> val createStatement = sSession.createTable[MyTable]("mytable", 1, 0)
createStatement: = SCCreateTableStatement(CREATE TABLE mykeyspace.mytable (s varchar, i int, l bigint, PRIMARY KEY ((s))))

scala> createStatement.execute()
res1:[com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet] = Right(ResultSet[ exhausted: true, Columns[]])

and you can use the `with` builder to specify anything after the WITH

scala> val createStatementWith = createStatement.`with`("compaction = { 'class' : 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'min_threshold' : 6 }")
createStatementWith: = SCCreateTableStatement(CREATE TABLE mykeyspace.mytable (s varchar, i int, l bigint, PRIMARY KEY ((s))) WITH compaction = { 'class' : 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'min_threshold' : 6 })

scala> createStatementWith.execute()
res3:[com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet] = Right(ResultSet[ exhausted: true, Columns[]])

Finally, you can truncate and drop the table using the truncateTable and dropTable commands

scala> val truncateStatement = sSession.truncateTable("mytable")
truncateStatement: = SCTruncateTableStatement(TRUNCATE TABLE mykeyspace.mytable)

scala> truncateStatement.execute()
res4:[com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet] = Right(ResultSet[ exhausted: true, Columns[]])
scala> val dropStatement = sSession.dropTable("mytable")
dropStatement: = SCDropTableStatement(DROP TABLE mykeyspace.mytable)

scala> dropStatement.execute()
res5:[com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet] = Right(ResultSet[ exhausted: true, Columns[]])